NSW Psychiatrists welcome Illawarra New Trauma Recovery Centre
The New South Wales Branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) welcomes the Federal Government’s new funding for the establishment of the Illawarra Trauma Recovery Centre for victim survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence.
Chair of the NSW Branch of the RANZCP, Dr Angelo Virgona, said the Trauma Recovery Centre will provide wrap-around health, welfare and justice services, all in the one location, to women and children impacted by violence and abuse.
‘Spearheaded by Sally Stevenson AM from the Illawarra Women’s Health Centre, together with family violence expert and RANZCP Fellow Dr Karen Williams, a team of dedicated people have worked tirelessly to get this unique concept of the Trauma Recovery Centre off the ground.
The RANZCP acknowledges the excellent work undertaken to make this happen and is privileged to be associated with all involved.
‘From a mental health perspective, the model underpinning the Centre recognises that trauma behaviour is a natural response to violence and abuse.
‘The model embraces that mental health supports need to treat trauma behaviour as an injury.
‘Coupled with the other services that the Centre will provide at the same location, this is an entirely new approach to supporting survivors – and one that’s strategic and ultimately cost-effective.
‘Establishing the Centre in the Illawarra was a key recommendation by the federal parliamentary Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence, with the NSW Government funding last year’s business case for its development.
‘It is exciting to see that the Federal Government is now making the Trauma Recovery Centre a reality. ‘But this is just a starting point. Evidence-based services, such as these, are required across the state. It’s now up to the NSW Government to work with the Commonwealth to make that a reality’, said Dr Virgona.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is a membership organisation that prepares medical specialists in the field of psychiatry, supports and enhances clinical practice, advocates for people affected by mental illness and advises governments and other groups on mental health care. For information about our work, our members or our history, visit www.ranzcp.org.